Monetary Policy & Inflation | US
Virus is a trigger for Japanification of the US. Unlimited and immediate Fed QE (including corporate bonds) plus the biggest fiscal package in US history are unprecedented. Intention is for more than the $500bn of QE2 every week. Dollar index probably can break higher as the pandemic is dollar positive, despite unlimited QE which should be dilutive. Gold should outperform all fiat currencies.
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Summary (You can listen to the podcast by clicking here)
Virus is a trigger for Japanification of the US. Unlimited and immediate Fed QE (including corporate bonds) plus the biggest fiscal package in US history are unprecedented. Intention is for more than the $500bn of QE2 every week. Dollar index probably can break higher as the pandemic is dollar positive, despite unlimited QE which should be dilutive. Gold should outperform all fiat currencies.