In this episode, I have a conversation with one of the leading experts on gold, John Butler. He’s has spent 25 years in the financial industry, worked at some of the top banks and has even written a book on gold (The Golden Revolution). In the podcast, we talk about:
• Valuation frameworks for gold
• The relationship between oil and real interest rates with gold
• The insurance properties of gold
• How gold behaves around regime changes in political and monetary systems
• Comparisons between gold and bitcoin
• Projections for gold in the next few years.
It’s a great discussion, so please enjoy
You can read some of John’s work here:
Gold: A Modern Investment Framework For An Ancient Asset
Gold: A Modern Investment Framework For An Ancient Asset, Part II
Gold: A Modern Investment Framework For An Ancient Asset, Part III
Coronavirus: A Stagflationary Supply Shock?
Make sure to subscribe to the show on Apple, Spotify or wherever you go for your podcasts.
John Butler has 25 years experience in international finance. He has served as a Managing Director for bulge-bracket investment banks on both sides of the Atlantic in research, strategy, asset allocation and product development roles, including at Deutsche Bank and Lehman Brothers.
(The commentary contained in the above article does not constitute an offer or a solicitation, or a recommendation to implement or liquidate an investment or to carry out any other transaction. It should not be used as a basis for any investment decision or other decision. Any investment decision should be based on appropriate professional advice specific to your needs.)