
What’s Your Language of love?

Bilal Hafeez

Half the challenge of relationships, whether with romantic partners, family or friends, is knowing how you like to receive love. For some, it could be holding hands and hugs, for others it could be words of affirmation or it could be having quality time with someone. Once you understand that people like to receive love in different ways, it can be revelatory. You no longer need to feel guilty about not conforming to some stereotype and you can start to understand others better.

There’s a great book on this topic by Gary Chapman called The Five Love Languages, which highlights five distinct ways people like to receive or give love:

There’s a quiz you can take that tells you what your language is. I took it and mine is “words of affirmation”. What’s yours?


Bilal Hafeez
 is the CEO and Editor of Macro Hive. He spent over twenty years doing research at big banks – JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank, and Nomura, where he had various “Global Head” roles and did FX, rates and cross-markets research.

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