
Meet Matthew Tibble

Matthew Tibble

Matthew Tibble is Commissioning Editor at Macro Hive. He has worked as an editorial consultant and freelance editor for companies such as RiskThinking.AI, JDI Research, and FutureScape248. He holds a PhD in English Literature and formerly held a competitive research fellowship at the University of London.

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Recent Articles

  1. How Smart Am AI?

    Matthew Tibble

    AI is all anyone can talk about since the advent of ChatGPT. From revolutionizing healthcare with personalized medicine to generating trading signals in financial markets, every industry is claiming a new future for itself thanks to the technology. And perhaps rightly so. But how smart is this new technology? And perhaps more fundamentally, how do […]

  2. Brain Power: Is the Key to AI Efficiency Inside Our Heads?

    Matthew Tibble

    AI has a power problem. Even simple graphics processors for AI applications consume several hundred watts. But the most powerful computer we use for machine learning? That award goes to Frontier, which consumes 20 megawatts a year. That is $40 million of electricity. Frontier boasts an exaflop of compute: a billion, billion floating point mathematical […]

  3. Charts of the Week: US Growth Expectations Are Flying High, Helping USD

    Matthew Tibble

    Summary US growth is beating euro-area growth. However, the divergence may have peaked, with recent US data weaker than consensus expected. Chinese companies are struggling to make money, but a new securities regulator is providing hope for investors. The odds of Joe Biden quitting the presidential race have increased markedly in the last few weeks. […]

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