
Creditsee more…

  1. Ep. 193: Shiloh Bates on Demystifying CLO Myths

    Bilal Hafeez

    Shiloh Bates is the Chief Investment Officer of Flat Rock Global in 2018 – a $750mn credit manager.

  2. Credit Outlook: Spread Tightening Has Run Its Course

    John Tierney

    Credit spreads have trended tighter in recent weeks, despite some high-profile defaults and downgrades of regional banks by Moody’s. Bottomline, these events have been in market prices for months.

  3. Credit Outlook: Investment Grade Is the Better Value Now

    John Tierney

    Credit spreads tightened significantly over the past month as equities continued to rally and the VIX index of equity volatility traded at post-pandemic lows.

  1. Credit Outlook: We Favour High Yield

    John Tierney

    Investment grade and high yield corporate bond spreads are trading in a narrow range, in line with equity volatility.

  2. The Recovery Is Not Credit Dependent

    Dominique Dwor-Frecaut

    As is typical of most recoveries, the credit impulse is currently negative, suggesting a bank credit crunch may impact growth little.

  3. Cracks Emerging in the US Banking System?

    Sam van de Schootbrugge

    A new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper, co-authored by researchers from Stanford and Columbia, analyses the US banking system’s exposure to rising interest rates.

Credit Outlook – Why Spreads Are Tight and What Will Drive Them Wider

John Tierney

Summary Pundits are again tilting at the frothy high yield credit market, saying spreads are too tight given rising rates and recession risks. They miss obvious fundamental reasons why credit spreads remain tight – default rates are low, and corporate balance sheets are in great shape.

2023 Corporate Bond Outlook: It Is Ok to Be Long

John Tierney

Corporate bonds spreads will widen significantly if, as we anticipate, persistent inflation leads to higher rates and a recession later this year.

  1. The End (of the Business Cycle) Is Nigh – What Next?

    Richard Jones

    The concept of the business cycle has always fascinated me. And I have always thought understanding it is important for improving investment and trading decisions.

  2. Ep. 119: Marion Laboure on Democratising Finance, Bitcoin as Digital Diamond and Central Bank Digital Currency 

    Bilal Hafeez

    Marion is a senior economist at Deutsche Bank in London and a lecturer at Harvard University. She has extensive private sector, public policy, and monetary policy experience...

  3. Charts of the Week: Fear and the Fed

    Matthew Tibble

    Markets are mispricing Fed hiking. FX markets are in fear mode. EGB issuance is rising, with Germany’s supply of Bund duration expected to grow most.

Ep. 118: Raymond Sagayam on the Biggest Overlooked Market Risk, Building World Class Teams, and Lessons from Bodybuilding 

Bilal Hafeez

Ray is the Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income at Pictet Asset Management. He joined Pictet in 2010 as Head of Total Return Fixed Income, before becoming CIO in 2017 and an Equity Partner in 2018.

Ep. 108: Daniel Zwirn on Finding Value in the Biggest Bubble in History

Bilal Hafeez

Dan Zwirn is the Co-Founder, CEO, and CIO of Arena Investors LP. Arena is a $3.4 billion global investment firm focusing on special situations asset and credit investments in corporates, real estate, structured finance, and corporate securities. 

  1. Ep. 104: Andy Constan on Lessons From Bridgewater, Equity Valuations and Top Trades

    Bilal Hafeez

    Andy Constan has spent the past 33 years investing and trading global markets. He’s worked at leading hedge funds Bridgewater Associates and Brevan Howard as Chief Strategist.

  2. Ep. 98: Alfonso Peccatiello (Alf) on Money Printing, US Risks and ECB Surprises

    Bilal Hafeez

    Alfonso Peccatiello (Alf) is the author of The Macro Compass, a financial newsletter providing educational macroeconomic insights &...

  3. Markets to Watch This Week: US Yields and JP Morgan

    Bilal Hafeez

    In this report, we standardise price changes across different markets to allow for cross-market comparisons. US 2-year yields saw a...

Markets to Watch This Week: Global Yields Hamper Equities

Bilal Hafeez

US bond yields saw a 3+ standard-deviation jump last week, while tech stocks got smashed with NASDAQ seeing a 1.9 standard deviation...

Markets to Watch This Week: Equities and High-Yield Credit

Bilal Hafeez

Last week saw big positive moves. Apply share prices saw a 3+ standard-deviation weekly jump. The overall S&P500, US high yield credit...

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